Hi ! Well it was a nice day, I guess .Igotta study for history and biology :( . For now I wanna recomend a couple of stuf is someone is board.
1. Book: same title as my nick "Gossip Girl" ( Plotkara). Great teenager story, and for those who watched the serial, know that its difrent.
2. Serial: "How I Met Your Mother " ( Jak poznałem waszą matkę ). I think its one of the funniest shows ever! It's great for everyone, adults, teenagers, maby even kids. You can watch it on http://iitv.info/jak-poznalem-wasza-matke/
Cool photo :)
OdpowiedzUsuńGood luck with your studies ;)
Lovely blog, maybe you want to follow each other? I'll follow you back for sure :)
Have a great day!
"Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico"